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Smartphone Breathalysers: BACtrack for Android and iOS Devices

02 June, 2022

Breathalysers are portable devices that measure a person’s Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) through an exhaled breath. These devices are useful in providing real-time updates of the alcohol or intoxication level. Moreover, law enforcement uses a police breathalyser to determine drink driving. Within a few seconds, the device analyses the sample breath and displays the results on the screen. Today, individuals can use a personal breathalyser to monitor the BAC during consumption. It helps them moderate their intake and keep below the legal limits. Additionally, some devices integrate wireless technology with alcohol breath testing. The smartphone alcohol testers at Breathalysers New Zealand have Bluetooth capability that connects to a smartphone or tablet. The BACtrack for Android and iOS devices offers convenient alcohol monitoring.

A smartphone breathalyser is a portable alcohol testing device that pairs with a smartphone to deliver the BAC results. The BACtrack for Android and iOS devices uses a Bluetooth connection to send, store, track, and share the BAC results. A smartphone breathalyser is suitable for people who need to monitor their drinking behaviour or share updates of their BAC. For example, some people send their BAC with a family member before driving home to ensure that they are within the legal limit. Meanwhile, the BACtrack smartphone breathalysers are also efficient in monitoring the decline of your BAC through the ZeroLine technology. Therefore, a smartphone breathalyser can do more than just testing the BAC. 

The BACtrack Breathalysers with Smartphone Connectivity

Breathalysers New Zealand offers three alcohol testers with smartphone connectivity. The Mobile Pro, C6 Keychain, and C8 Smartphone are the BACtrack for Android and iOS devices. The breathalysers utilise fuel cell sensor technology to measure alcohol concentration in the breath sample accurately. They have high accuracy and reliability than the standard semiconductor breathalysers. Additionally, fuel cell breathalysers are specific to ethanol and do not react with other compounds. As a result, they give consistent readings and are less likely to produce false positives. Furthermore, the C6 and C8 breathalysers have optional Bluetooth connectivity. This feature enables you to choose between the Standalone or App mode operations. Under the Standalone mode, you can use the device independently. In contrast, the App mode connects to a smartphone app for results viewing. Meanwhile, the Mobile Pro utilises the Xtend fuel cell sensors, the technology ideal for personal or professional use. 


BACtrack for Android and iOS Devices: Features of the BACtrack App

The BACtrack smartphone breathalysers at Breathalysers New Zealand, provide police-grade BAC testing through fuel cell sensor technology. Aside from reliable alcohol breath tests, the BACtrack for Android and iOS devices offer advanced features through the BACtrack app. The BACtrack companion app has the following capabilities:

  • BAC viewing – the main difference with a regular breathalyser is the ability to transmit BAC data to a smartphone. After providing a breath sample, the device automatically processes and delivers the BAC results directly on your mobile phone screen. Likewise, you can record all your test results. 
  • Graph tracking – you may organise the results and view them in a graph. It shows your consumption pattern over time. This feature is useful if you want to analyse your habits or cut back on drinking. 
  • Personalisation – the app lets you add notes and images with your BAC. For example, you can enter the food and beverages that you consumed and how it affects your test results. 
  • Sobriety monitoring – the BACtrack smartphone breathalysers feature the ZeroLine technology that quickly estimates how long your BAC will return to 0.00%. The technology calculates when your sobriety based on your last test. It makes alcohol monitoring easier, and it helps you make informed decisions.
  • Apple Health integration – the BACtrack app fully integrates with Apple Health Kit to track alcohol levels. 
  • Uber integration – the app lets you call an Uber ride if you have consumed too much alcohol. 

BACtrack for Android and iOS: Using the App and Breathalysers

The BACtrack for Android and iOS app has user-friendly features. After getting your breathalyser, pair the device with the smartphone app via Bluetooth. It will automatically connect the device with the smartphone each time you take a test. To administer a breath test, turn on the device and launch the app. At the blow signal, provide an adequate breath sample to the breathalyser mouthpiece. As the device processes the sample, you can play a guessing game to see how close your guess is to the actual result. The BACtrack breathalysers analyse the breath and deliver the results directly to your smartphone in 10 to 15 seconds.

You may organise the results based on your personal BAC readings or a friend’s. The BACtrack for Android and iOS devices allows you to share the breathalyser with a friend without compromising the results. To mark the BAC result as belonging to a friend, select the button at the top of the screen from Mine to Friend. It will then transfer the BAC for separate viewing. Lastly, you may delete, save, or share your BAC results. A smartphone breathalyser is beneficial for those who need to track their alcohol consumption. Through the app, you can see your BAC history and whether your BAC is still rising or starting to fall.


Applications of the BACtrack Mobile Breathalyser

The BACtrack Mobile Pro utilises the Xtend fuel cell sensor technology to estimate the BAC accurately. Moreover, it has a continuous temperature checking to ensure breath sample consistency and enhanced precision. The linear response of the fuel cell sensor can trace alcohol concentration over complete BAC ranges from 0.00-0.400%. With its precision checking and smartphone connectivity, the BACtrack for Android and iOS provides reliable and efficient alcohol tracking. Therefore, it is an excellent personal device with police-grade accuracy. Furthermore, the Mobile Pro is compatible with the BACtrack for Apple Watch users and the BACtrack View. In particular, the BACtrack View is a paid subscription program for remote alcohol monitoring. The user sends regular BAC updates with video verification to a Monitor via the View app. Currently, the BACtrack View app is compatible with iOS devices. 


A smartphone-linked breathalyser is one of the biggest advancements in alcohol breath testing. It helps individuals check their BAC level and understand better how alcohol impacts their bodies. Moreover, it is essential for employers to monitor their personnel who are operating off-site. You may check the smartphone breathalysers and other professional-grade devices at Breathalysers New Zealand. In particular, the BACtrack Mobile Pro and the Mobile Gen2 (for workplace use) have FDA approval and DOT certification. It complies with all the requirements for a breath screening device. Lastly, the BACtrack for Android, iOS and Google devices offers the following benefits:

  • Preventing impaired driving
  • Reducing car crashes or collisions
  • Checking sobriety before work
  • Remote alcohol monitoring
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