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How to Detect Alcohol in Breath Limit

11 November, 2021

It is common knowledge that drinking and driving don’t mix well together, yet law enforcers still apprehend many people for this offence.  Driving under the influence of alcohol or drink driving is still one of the top causes of road accidents or collisions year in and year out. Fortunately, technological innovations made it possible to reduce the probability of being involved in a vehicular accident. One specific innovation is the personal breathalyzer, which is a helpful device in measuring the alcohol in the breath limit. Breathalyzers have a big enough impact that even police officers use them when pulling suspected drunk drivers from the road.

Breath alcohol concentration (BAC) is the amount of alcohol within the bloodstream. A Breathalyzer is a device with a mouthpiece that can measure the BAC through a person’s exhaled breath. BAC is the weight of ethanol in percentage for every 100ml of blood. The alcohol that enters the bloodstream does not convert chemically; instead, it is carred through to the brain and lungs and is eventually detected when exhaled. There are no exact standard number of drinks that can tell if you are over the alcohol in breath limit. You can rely upon BACtrack personal breathalyzers to give you fast and accurate BAC measures rather than guessing estimates.

Alcohol in Breath Limit: NZ Driving limit

Different countries have different standards of BAC limit. Some countries have higher a higher alcohol in breath limit that others. New Zealand maintains a 0.05% legal limit for alcohol. Police officers use a more advanced type of breathalyzers with fuel cell technology. They would ask the driver to blow into the mouthpiece, and the results could be ready within seconds. They may also ask to repeat this process several times to get an average reading. Take note that refusing to take a breath test requested by a police officer could already be considered a serious offence.

There are now also personal breathalyzers that have the same fuel cell technology as enforcers. These breathalyzers come at a lower price but can still give you reliable results. You should carry one with you, especially if you plan to drink. It is simple and easy to use. Breathalyzers can detect the alcohol in breath limit within 15 minutes from consuming alcohol until up to 12 to 18 hours later. BACtrack has a wide range of personal police-grade breathalyzers from which you can choose. BACtrack has devices, like the BACtrack S80 Pro, which users can effortlessly operate for quick and accurate readings. Bluetooth-enabled devices like the BACtrack C6 and C8 are also available for more convenient BAC tracking through your phone.

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